General Terms of Employment for Academic Staff

(Excerpted from University of Illinois Statutes and the General Rules)

Faculty members are subject to applicable policies of the University contained in the University of Illinois Statutes and General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure. Additional policies can be found on the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost home page, the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs home page, and the Faculty Handbook. All of which are subject to modification from time to time. The following excerpts and additional information from the University of Illinois Statutes and The General Rules contain some of the important aspects of the terms of employment and are for the information of the appointee. The information below does not purport to be exhaustive. New faculty appointees are also directed to the UIC web page that will give them access to the Statutes, General Rules, and the home page for the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost, which contain more complete information about the policies referenced below.