Mid-Probationary Review

The Mid-Probationary Review serves to provide an assessment to tenure-track faculty members of their progress toward tenure at the mid-point of their probationary period. The review is mandatory as part of the larger Promotion and Tenure (P&T) process. It is conducted at a date late enough to permit reasonable review of a faculty members’ progress toward tenure since the initial appointment, and early enough to give useful guidance to them in preparing for any subsequent review. Please review the information below for the current academic year’s Mid-Probationary Review information.

For questions regarding Promotion & Tenure (P&T), or changes in College P&T Coordinators, please contact us by submitting a P&T Inquiry form.

  • Mid-Probationary Review Policy
  • VPFA Mid-Probationary Review Guidelines Memo to Deans
  • Expected Mid-Probationary Reviews Forms (college/unit use only) are due on Monday, October 7, 2024.
    • Submit/upload the form into the College’s P&T/MPR Box folder.
  • Mid-Probationary Reviews for all Tenure Track Faculty are due on Friday, May 23, 2025.
    • A PDF, of the original MPR, signed by the Faculty Member, Unit Executive Officer, and College Dean, should be uploaded into the College’s P&T/MPR Box folder.
    • Original signed copies/PDFs should stay on file with the college. Hard copies should NOT be sent to Faculty Affairs.