Faculty Scholarship Support Program

OVPFA is currently not accepting applications at this time.


For more information, please email facultyaffairs@uic.edu.

Program Description Heading link

At the behest of the President of the University of Illinois and the recommendation of the Senate, funds are available to support tenure system faculty members with flexible resources to meet their minimum scholarship needs. While faculty in some disciplines have access to abundant sources of flexible funding, others find it difficult or impossible to obtain internal or external support or may receive funding that does not cover specific aspects of their projects. This is a particular challenge for scholars in the humanities, arts, area studies, and many social science fields, who may therefore be unable to complete their research. It is anticipated that there will be $250,000 allocated to this program annually. This program is administered by the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.

Amount Heading link

Up to $1,000 each will be provided to individual UIC faculty members to support scholarly activities including traveling to collections or libraries; copying of archival and other specialized material; travel to conduct interviews; travel to professional meetings and conferences; obtaining transcription of interviews or other materials; and hiring short-term student help.

Eligibility Heading link

This funding is intended to support scholarly activities of tenure system faculty members who are unable to access other internal or external sources of funding for these activities. Faculty may only receive funds from this program once per calendar year. Previous awardees may re-apply for funding from this program 1 year from the date of the application date on file for the prior award.

Anticipated Funding Priority Heading link

Priority will be assigned according to the following criteria:

  1. Applicants who have received less research support during the current academic year will take priority over those who have received more. “Support” includes both internal and external funding, for any scholarly or research project.
  2. Requests for funding will be given priority in order of the activity’s centrality to applicant’s research program.
  3. Priority will be given in reverse order of applicants’ rank (i.e., assistant professor before associate, associate before full).

A random selection process may be used to select among a group of applicants ranked similarly according to the above priorities.

Application Heading link

OVPFA is currently not accepting applications at this time.

Deadline Heading link

OVPFA is currently not accepting applications at this time.


Award Terms Heading link

All recipients will be required to submit a brief (1-page) report of accomplishment to the Office of Faculty Affairs within one year of the award; unless approval is given for an extension.