Teaching and Learning

Strategies and Resources for Teaching and Learning

Discover a number of resources available to faculty at UIC, including support for scholarly teaching, redesigning online courses, Blackboard learn, as well as teaching policies and best practices.

Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence (CATE)

Illustration of faculty teaching through a video on a laptop and recent college graduate

CATE serves as a teaching hub for the UIC campus by providing programming and resources for instructors and fostering a culture of inclusive scholarly teaching by promoting equity-minded, inquiry-driven, and data-informed instructional practices.

Instructional Design & Media Production Studio (IDMPS)

Illustration showing students using video cameras, tablets, and faculty teaching on a large screen.

Instructional designers and media production specialists use educational research and innovative instructional practices to help instructors enhance student engagement, satisfaction, and learning outcomes, helping to create or redesign online courses.

Learning Technology Solutions (LTS)

Illustration showing getting support for Blackboard Learn.

LTS centrally manages educational technologies available to all UIC instructors, teaching assistants, and students. Including Blackboard allows instructors to manage, share, and develop course materials and facilitate student learning.

Policies, Syllabi, Evaluations, & More

Illustration of a new faculty working on their laptop

Access information regarding syllabus, mid-semester, textbook, and an online student course evaluation system provided by the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.