2023 External Award Recipients – Liberal Arts and Sciences

Jerry Bona
Professor, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science

  • Honorary Degree and Academic Title of Doctor of Science from Heriot-Watt University

Kathryn Engel
Director of Internships in Applied Psychology and Senior Lecturer, Psychology

  • Chevalier, Ordre des Palmes Académiques

Daniel Groves
Professor, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science

  • Simons Fellowship

Sara Hall
Associate Professor, Germanic Studies

  • President, German Studies Association

Vishesh Jain
Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science

  • NSF CAREER Award

Amanda Lewis
Professor, Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy, Black Studies and Sociology

  • Cox-Johnson-Frazier Award, American Sociological Association

Nicole Looper
Assistant Professor, Mathematics Statistics and Computer Science

  • Sloan Research Fellowship
  • Michael Brin Dynamical Systems Prize for Young Mathematicians

Dhruv Mubayi
Professor, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science

  • Simons Fellowship

Nadine Naber
Associate Professor, Gender and Women’s Studies, Global Asian Studies, Anthropology

  • American Studies Association’s 2022 Carl Bode-Norman Holmes Pearson Lifetime Achievement Award Prize

Joel Nagloo
Associate Professor, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science

  • American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowship

Kathryn Nagy
Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences

  • Fellow, Mineralogical Society of America

Nicole Nguyen
Associate Professor, Criminology, Law, and Justice

  • Soros Justice Fellowship, Open Society Foundations

Janis Teruggi Page
Clinical Assistant Professor, Communication

  • Breakthrough Book of the Year

Zizi Papacharissi
Distinguished Professor & Head, Communication

  • Founding Member, Scientist, International Panel on the Information Environment, legally domiciled in Zurich and launched at the 2023 Nobel Prize Summit

Yann Robert
Associate Professor & Head, French and Francophone Studies

  • President, Society for Eighteenth-Century French Studies