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UIC Faculty Publications

Discover a showcase of UIC faculty-published works spanning various topics and disciplines, inspirational stories, and unique background experiences! We are proud to recognize and honor a sampling of the diverse works created by UIC's exceptional faculty and we encourage you to stop by the first-floor lobby of University Hall to view the display.

Books displayed in the University Hall (UH) first-floor bookcase have been selected with the following criteria in mind: book first published between 2021-2023, must be related to faculty member's academic work, and published books for display exclude textbooks, co-authored books, identification as an editor, or contribution to translated work.

Kira J. Baker-Doyle

Kira J. Baker-Doyle

Critical Network Literacy: Humanizing Professional Development for Educators

Tarini Bedi

Tarini Bedi

Mumbai Taximen: Autobiographies and Automobilities In India

Mark E. Canuel

Mark E. Canuel

The Fate of Progress in British Romanticism

Peter Coviello

Peter Coviello

Is There God After Prince?: Dispatches From an Age of Last Things.

Claire L. Decoteau

Claire L. Decoteau

The Western Disease: Contesting Autism in The Somali Diaspora

Lydia R. Diamond

Lydia R. Diamond

Toni Stone

Stephen G. Engelmann

Stephen G. Engelmann

Economic Rationality

Malgorzata Fidelis

Malgorzata Fidelis

Imagining The World from Behind The Iron Curtain: Youth and The Global Sixties in Poland

Andrew Finegold

Andrew Finegold

Vital Voids: Cavities and Holes in Mesoamerican Material Culture

Samuel Fleischacker

Samuel Fleischacker

Adam Smith

Adam S. Goodman

Adam S. Goodman

The Deportation Machine: America’s Long History of Expelling Immigrants

Photo by Jennifer Boles

Christopher Grimes

Christopher Grimes

The Economist

Francesco Matrisciano Hood

Francesco Matrisciano Hood

Epigenetic Functional Nutrition: When Science Meets the Table

David Jacobs

David Jacobs

Fifty Years of Peeling Away the Lead Paint Problem: Saving Our Children’s Future with Healthy Housing.

Michael R. Jin

Michael R. Jin

Citizens, Immigrants, and the Stateless: A Japanese American Diaspora in the Pacific

Cedric Johnson

Cedric Johnson

The Panthers Can’t Save Us Now: Debating Left Politics and Black Lives Matter

Eliane Karsaklian

Eliane Karsaklian

Multicultural Marketing Is Your Story

Mark F. Liechty

Mark F. Liechty

What Went Right: Sustainability Versus Dependence in Nepal’s Hydropower Development

Teri McMurtry-Chubb

Teri McMurtry-Chubb

Race Unequals: Overseer Contracts, White Masculinities, and the Formation Of Managerial Identity in the Plantation Economy

Marina Mogilner

Marina Mogilner

Jews, Race, and the Politics of Difference: The Case of Vladimir Jabotinsky Against the Russian Empire

Mary Anne Mohanraj

Mary Anne Mohanraj

Vegan Serendib

Nicole Nguyen

Nicole Nguyen

Terrorism On Trial: Political Violence and Abolitionist Futures

Sarfaraz Niazi

Sarfaraz Niazi

mMRNA Therapeutics: Fast-To-Market Strategies

Zozo-Angeliki (Zizi) Papacharissi

Zozo-Angeliki (Zizi) Papacharissi

After Democracy

Zinon Papakonstantinou

Zinon Papakonstantinou

Cursing For Justice: Magic, Disputes, And The Lawcourts In Classical Athens

Roy E. Plotnick

Roy E. Plotnick

Explorers of Deep Time: Paleontologists and the History of Life

Edward Podsiadlik

Edward Podsiadlik

Licensed To Transform: An Alphabet Of Student Teaching

Kareem M Rabie

Kareem M. Rabie

Palestine is Throwing a Party and the Whole World is Invited: Capital and State Building in the West Bank

Sheela Raja

Sheela Raja

The Resilient Teen: 10 Key Skills To Bounce Back From Setbacks And Turn Stress Into Success

Kenneth J. Saltman

Kenneth J. Saltman

The Alienation of Fact: Digital Educational Privatization, AI, and the False Promise of Bodies and Numbers

Maria M. (Margarita) Saona

Maria M. (Margarita) Saona

Despadre: Masculinidades, Travestismos Y Ficciones De La Ley En La Literatura Peruana

Giedrius Subacius

Giedrius Subacius

Simono Daukanto Sankt Peterburgo Ortografija (1834-1846)

Sandra M. (Sandy) Sufian

Sandra M. (Sandy) Sufian

Familial Fitness: Disability, Adoption and Family in Modern America

Daniel Sutherland

Daniel Sutherland

Kant’s Mathematical World: Mathematics, Cognition, And Experience

Luis alberto Urrea

Luis Alberto Urrea

Good Night, Irene

Xuehua Xiang

Xuehua Xiang

Language, Multimodal Interaction, And Transaction: Studies of A Southern Chinese Marketplace

Elaine J. Yuan

Elaine J. Yuan

The Web Of Meaning: The Internet In A Changing Chinese Society

Katherine M. (Kate) Zinsser

Katherine M. (Kate) Zinsser

No Longer Welcome: the Epidemic of Expulsion From Early Childhood Education